Terespol is in the Polish voivodeship (province) of Lubelskie.


Terespol is known for it’s pickles and gherkins and has one of the largest pickling plants in the world, although it’s a small town of a few thousand people at best.  Pickling was a major economic activity in the last century, as well.  Now, however, it seems that Terespol is ideally situated to become part of the “New Silk Road” between Europe and China.  This is a fascinating article from Forbes Magazine, June 27, 2016, detailing the mayor of Terespol’s grand plans to become a primary nexus for the developing “Silk Road Economic Belt.”  It may seem far-fetched, but it’s not, really.

A Google map of modern Terespol shows the unmarked location of the old Jewish cemetery.  In satellite view, it is the wooded area sitting in the corner of Czerwonego Krzyza and Topolowa Streets, across the street and at the southeast corner of the large cemetery.  There are no visible graves, but it is highly likely that Sol’s parents Berko Goldsztern and Yachet Rozensumen are buried there, along with her parents Berko Rozensumen and Hindy Herszenfeld and with the many other cousins, siblings, aunts and uncles and forebears reaching back into the end of the 18th century, who I have been able to identify.