We know from our family letters that when Froim Pashkov (Pasikov)’s son Iosel was murdered, the authorities doubted that Iosel was really Froim’s son. Below is a police notice in Russian, with the translation following, forwarded to me by Stas Tarasov. Stas got it from Alex Krikovsky, a genealogy hero who scans official records in Ukrainian archives and posts them online for free use. (Sent by Alex Krikovskiy from Kiyv record scans, related to Pashkov ritual murder charge.)
February 9,1914
Ваше Высокоблагородие принять меры к тому, чтобы дети в возрасте до 12 лет при переходе границы на всех явных и тайных пограничных пунктах сравнивались бы с изображением на карточке Иоселя Пасикова. В случае обнаружения при этом мальчика тождественного по наружности с изображением на фотокарточке, прошу немедленно меня уведомить.
(Stas’ comment: imeyu chest’ prosit’ I have no idea what this means or why it is here).
A copy of the communication of the investigator of the Southern District Court for the most important cases dated 02/09/1914, No. 105, addressed to the head of the Podolsk Provincial Gendarme Directorate.
01/27/1913 in the m. Fastov, Kiev province. The body of a murdered boy was found, and a local resident, Jew Froim Zalmanov Pasikov (aka Pashkov), confirmed that the murdered person was Iosel Pasikov, 12 years old. In view of the data obtained during the preliminary investigation, doubts arise whether the murdered person is really Iosel Pasikov, and there is an assumption that the latter is alive, hidden by his parents and is subject to crossing abroad under a false name. Based on the above and with the attachment of a photographic card of Iosel Froimov Pasikov, I have the honor to ask Your Excellency, take measures to ensure that children under the age of 12, when crossing the border at all open and secret border points, are compared with the image on Iosel Pasikov’s card. If you find a boy identical in appearance with the image on the photo, please notify me immediately.
How I would love to get my hands on that photo!